Post date: May 1, 2015 3:48:19 AM

The gathering of the clouds will not stop the day assigned by God for you to be recognized and celebrated; the weather situation will not hinder it; the government in place on that date and time will not stand against it; the economic situation of the nations, your financial situation, and your status in the society now and on that day will not hinder it from taking place. The circumstances surrounding your birth, your family history, your marriage, your children, and people’s view and words of who and what you are will not stop it. The wickedness of evil schemers around you, the activities of destiny killers, star shooters and star gazers will not overtake that day; your often weaknesses, sicknesses, pains, nightmares, self-esteem, and desires will never be able to prevent that day from coming and will never stop you from being celebrated.

Definitely, your time to be celebrated, your day to be recognized and your season is coming fast and the devil will not stop that day, fear will not stop that moment and will never stop you in that day.  That is because God had schedule that day just for you, He had set that time and seasons to recognize and celebrate you in that which is praise worthy and excellent. The schedule for that to happen are perfectly under the control of your Father in heaven who alone makes all things possible according to the powers of His words which are His ultimate desires. That day and time was assigned by God before you were conceived and He will bring it to pass exactly as He had said. You may not know the day, the time, and the location of that celebration, but your God knows it; you may have forgotten the promise, but God will never forget it; you may have been thinking otherwise because of the prevailing circumstances and untold delays, but God is not changing His mind concerning you just because of what you are going through now. Despite your current situation, you are moving closer and nearer to that day, to that time, and to that season. It may be tough on you presently, but you will get there and will see it come to pass; it may seem uncertain that such can happen to you, but it will surely come with or without your being certain; it may seem impossible considering your location, your job, your income, your gender, and the problems you have right now, but despite that, God will make it happen for you.

When God wants to celebrate someone, He allows certain things to happen in that person’s life, some might begin at conception and onward; some a miraculous salvation, relocation; some other things that are beyond human imaginations; but when He begins, nothing ever stops Him. When He sets you up for celebrate, He allows certain impossibilities to linger longer in your life; He allows some challenges to be more severe and sometimes to be life threatening; He enables you with certain abilities and gifts beyond your reasoning; and He puts some specific people on your path to facilitate His plans for your life. “Festivals of joy and celebration” Zechariah 8:19

When God wanted to celebrate Moses in Egypt and later in Israel, He allowed him to be born at a time that all male children were sentenced to death by the decree of Pharaoh the king to parents who had no legal power to challenge the king or defend their child, but who had divine hope and all spiritual rights to petition heaven and to patiently wait for three months for the expected answer. God also allows Moses to be raised up and trained in Pharaoh’s house, and at the right time and season, He took him out and brought Him back with a divine message of freedom.

When God wanted to celebrate and honor Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego before the entire people, He allowed them to be thrown inside the burning furnace whose temperature had been raised seven times beyond normal. When He wanted to celebrate and promote Daniel, He allowed him to be thrown inside the den of lions, when He wanted to exalt the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, He allows Him to be nailed on a cross and buried, but after three days, God raised Him up to life again and cause His name to be celebrated and honored forever. You are not suffering in vain. You will be celebrated. For prayers, Click here