Post date: Oct 8, 2014 7:50:01 PM

Why should it be so oh Lord? I am a faithful believing Christian, why do I have to pray when You know my situations and can change them? God can do all things, meet all needs now and always, provide all protections, and heal all known and unknown diseases, but there are certain things God will require that we do even when we absolutely believe in Him, and work faithfully in all things before Him, and if we fail to do them, we will have ourselves to blame thereafter. God said in Genesis 1:28 “be fruitful and multiply”, but that multiplication can never happen unless there is a sexual relationship between a man and a woman in holy matrimony. Remember, God will not bless any illegal relationship irrespective of the number of years that relationship had lasted and the status of the people involved. 

It is of note that God will never ask you to do that which is impossible, He will never demand that which is not in your hand or in your power to do. Whatever He will ask you to do is within your power and capability to do. There are many things that we must do as Christians to move the hands of God and to provoke the power of our salvation to act decisively for us. There is a level to which our salvation will take us and there is a level to which our actions will take us in life, and not until we act decisively, we will still remain unchanged despite the genuineness of our salvation and grace in Christ Jesus.

Abraham was clearly asked to leave his father’s house and his country of birth behind to a new place before God’s promises he believed and trusted could commence in his life; when he was ninety nine years old, God asked him to circumcise himself and the entire male in his household before his wife Sarah could conceive and bring forth the promised son Isaac, and it was only after he had obeyed that instruction that the blessings were completely fulfilled in his life.

God would have given Hannah children without her having to cry, to pray, and to meet Eli in the temple, but God wanted her to pray for a particular child that He will use and to meet Eli so she could make a vow of surrendering that same child back to God for His services in the temple under Eli’s supervision and spiritual guidance.

God would have saved the world without sending Christ Jesus; He would have stopped Him from being crucified, stopped Him from being beaten and punished, but He allowed Him to suffer pains and be crucified so that the redemption of our souls would never be contested again by the devil after paying the full price with the blood of Jesus Christ.

When Jabez realized his condition and what had happened to his brothers before him, though they all believed in God and were Isrealites indeed, he decided to do what they did not do and that gave him the victory he requested. Instead of allowing his parents to decide his fate, he decided to pray the prayers his parents and his brothers could not pray and that action changed everything about him. Prayers can change generational curses but not until you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and pray, your trust and believe in prayers will never produce the result you desired. You may ask why pray when I believe. Why ask when God already knows your needs and sees your situation. God said you should. “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

There are many believers who are confused on what to do, and how to do it right. Many are asking ‘what should I do to get a spouse?’ What must I do to have children? What must I do for my spouse to love me? What must I do for my children to be obedient and submissive to me and to believe in Christ Jesus? Those are genuine questions because they are things the Lord desires for you. Never give up asking and praying and expecting the answer. For prayers, Click here