Post date: Aug 24, 2012 7:13:50 AM

Unusual and amazing things happen in unusual times. It should not be a time of fear or despair, but a time of expectation and change.  Many people are undergoing unusual times in their lives and career. Unusual times are not only bad times, it is good times also, but whatever time you are having, may I assure you that your unusual time and unusual day will be a day and a time of good tidings. It is unfortunate how often believers give in to disappoints, easily discouraged and tired of waiting and being quiet and patient before God. Many people have experienced a total turn-around in unusual times and the very best they have ever had. God is not interested in your disappointment or your failure. Time and tide are in His hands and He is your God.

Unusual time might be a time for your total reflection, self-discovery, self-realization, repositioning and correction. A time for proper reflection on the way forward, a time to seek God’s face and peace, and a time to put the devil where he belong (under your feet and not in your heart). When you experience an unusual time, it does not mean you are weak or a failure, or does not know what you are doing. It might turn out to the very best of your time ever.

Simon Peter was a man of great strength and an expert in fishing. He was doing well until this fateful unusual day came when God decided to bring him to the path of his divine destiny through his occupation. On the said day, as usual, he and his partners in business, James, and John, had an unusual night and experience that they never forgot the rest of their life.

Despite their expertise and success in previous days and attempts, this night was practically unusual in all things. They spent the entire night, with the best apparatus to aid their mission, the best companion and in a familiar water doing what they knew how to, but had no success, all night they had nothing to show for their struggle, despite fishing at the right time, at the right place, and using the best fishing implements available to them.

The next day seem a day of disappointment to them, but to God it was a day for their greatest miracle and destiny. An unusual day they felt, but it was a day that would change their lives forever. You might have met an unusual day, time, or year in your life, the day that you thought, "It’s all over," that might be the day, time, or year God wants to do something spectacular in you. Your net may have been empty, your dreams dashed, trouble and debts mounting, but the God that does amazing things in unusual times will give you the expectations that glorifies His name. He is turning it round for a big blessing. All that Christ demands is obedience for your joy.

“And He saw two boats drawn up by the lake, but the fishermen had gone down from them and were washing their nets. And getting into one of the boats, the one that belonged to Simon Peter, He requested him to draw away a little from the shore. Then He sat down and continued to teach the crowd of people from the boat. When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon Peter, Put out into the deep water, and lower your nets for a haul. And Simon Peter answered, Master, we toiled all night exhaustingly and caught nothing in our nets. But on the ground of Your word, I will lower the nets again. And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish; and as their nets were at the point of breaking, they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and take hold with them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying; depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was gripped with bewildering amazement allied to terror, and all who were with him, at the haul of fish which they had made; and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon Peter. And Jesus said to Simon, Have no fear; from now on you will be catching men.” Luke 5:1-10. Third and final phase of our “TEAR DOWN THIS WALL” Prayers is August 25-27, 2012. Prayer points, Psalms 18, & Samuel 1. Submit prayer request and Inform friends and family. Click here