Post date: Dec 17, 2015 12:05:01 AM

Yes, you will see God’s promises fulfilled in your life despite all the odds you have been holding against yourself in any way and in anything. Zechariah saw his wife Elizabeth conceive despite her old age and saw his son John the Baptist delivered. Abraham also saw His wife Sarah conceived despite her old age and also saw his son Isaac delivered. That same God who made them to see His promises fulfilled in their life will also make you to see all of His promises to you fulfilled. You can imagine the confusion in the thoughts and heart of Zechariah when he saw the angel and heard the words that were spoken to his hearing. To Zechariah, hose words came too late because he and his wife had long discarded such expectations, such dreams, such visions, and desires in their lives. They had passed that stage of dreams and were looking forward to just existing as long as God will keep them alive. Those were words he never expected to hear again at his age, words he never believed or given a thought for a second again that will come to pass because of his understanding of things and the mindset he had developed and maintained after years of seeking, failures and disappointments. When he saw the angel and heard the words, it never occurred to him that that was an angel from God those words were from God to him directly; he tried to dispel the truth because of his imaginations, his age and that of his wife. He completely forgot the miracle of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac in the Old Testament bible he was having then, he completely forgot the assurances in every word of the God he was sincerely and faithfully serving and calling upon all of his life.

His response was that of sincere doubts and impossibility, his open and verbal display of doubts made the angel to introduce himself, His duties and source of the message; but despite all that he said, God in His love was still willing to fulfill His words, His plans and His desires for them in a way that will amaze everyone far beyond and human imaginations. “Zechariah said to the angel, how can I be sure this will happen? I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years. Then the angel said, I am Gabriel, I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to bring you this good news. But now, since you didn’t believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born. For my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time.” Luke 1:18-20

Doubts can be a hindrance to manifesting what God had said to you but when you are actively in Him as Zechariah was, irrespective of the level of your doubts concerning changes in your life, concerning the words of God in the scriptures, and the words of promises to you; irrespective of the number of evidences that you have to dismiss your chances of success because past failures and attempts, past disappointments, and struggles denials in your life; irrespective of the cogent researches to support your reasoning and knowledge of what had been happening around you and in your life; irrespective of the level of intelligence in questioning yourself and the words of God you had believed and followed, the Almighty God is still bound to fulfill all of His words, all of His plans, and all of His desires in the lives of the faithful, and Zechariah was faithful.   

The journey to the promised land was to take forty days and though it later took forty good years, the children of Israel were able to reach the exact place promised, so will you; though they had many delays caused by physical or spiritual things, they still made it to that land, so will you; and though the road were not known to Moses, God lead them through the path He had designated for them to pass through and they arrived at the exact destined place. Though they did grumble along the way, God showed mercy, so will He show you mercy. Whatever God had destined for you will come despite the delays, the frustrations, the attacks, the failures, the disappointments; the denials; the numbers of years you have been waiting; your profession, age; your location and your gender. Nothing will stop your God. For Prayers Click here