Post date: Nov 1, 2018 3:44:53 AM

The presence of the Lord will go before you; the presence of the Lord will illuminate you; the presence of the Lord will cast away darkness and evil; the presence of the Lord will speak when the enemies rise up against you; the presence of the Lord will be your defense in the day and in the night; the presence of the Lord will keep your home and family; the presence of the Lord will keep your marriage and your finances; the presence of the Lord will be magnified above every form of evil, disappointment, discouragement, shame, and humiliation; the presence of the Lord in you will bring you into God’s blessings and God’s provisions; the presence of the Lord will light up your heart, direct you your word and your steps; the presence of the Lord will be your strength and your boast, and the presence of the Lord will strengthen your body and your spirit and your thoughts and your feelings.

This November, you may enter it without hope, without money, without a job, and without joy, but you will not finish it without the blessings from heaven and without assurance of the presence of the Lord with greater hope in fulfilling God’s promises. You are entering a new month with new things; God will give you new dreams and new ideas; He will lead you to the place of freshness, a refreshing grace and He will satisfy your heart and your desires according to His plans; He will lead the way and lead the battle and He will win the battle; His testimony of victory, of praise, of honor, and of power will go before you. The testimony of the Lord cannot be denied by men when they see the manifestation; His presence will testify to what He had done and He will not allow anyone to take the glory for what He had done. Whatever He had said to you will be accomplished and whatever mission He had sent you will be completed as He had designed and destined. God gave Moses the assignment of leading the children of Israel to the Promised Land; Moses willing to go but he had asked God to go with them and God promised, "My presence will go with you".

God knows you and He knows you are willing, and I am asking this month, God’s presence will go with you as you are ready to walk in His obedience to accomplish His plans for your destiny; Moses said to the Lord, see, You say to me, bring up this people, but You have not let me know whom You will send with me. Yet You have said, I know you by name, and you have also found favor in My sight. Now, therefore, I pray you, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways so that I may know You becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with You, recognizing and understanding Your ways more clearly and that I may find grace and favor in Your sight. And consider also, that this nation is Your people. And the Lord said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest by bringing you and the people into the promised land. And Moses said to Him, if Your presence does not go with me, do not lead us up from here. For how then can it be known that Your people and I have found favor in Your sight? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we are distinguished, Your people and I, from all the other people on the face of the earth? The Lord said to Moses, I will also do this thing that you have asked; for you have found favor lovingkindness, mercy in My sight and I have known you personally by name. Then Moses said, please, show me Your glory.” Exodus 33:12-18

The presence of the Lord makes difficult situations, missions, dreams, desires, and plans become easy. Moses knew the difficulties he will encounter on the way and he knew the presence of the Lord will make a difference and it did. God’s presence is a guarantee of God’s favor and men's voluntary willingness to help; takes away evil resistance and frictions, removes confusion and arguments; levels the mountains of oppositions and frustrations; give courage and strength and assurance, and His presence is a victory in every situation. This November, you will experience God’s presence much more than before in Jesus Name. Amen. For prayers Click here