Post date: Jul 29, 2020 2:17:23 AM

The abiding power of the truth you speak, believe and follow despite the pains and the rejections that will follow thereafter from those who hate the truth will definitely defend you at the end and will liberate your flesh, your sole and elevates Christ Jesus. The truth of God is a threat to today’s methods of doing things and glory to those who believe and follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. “Do not let your hearts be troubled, distressed, agitated. You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me. In My Father’s house, there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you. And when I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And to the place where I am going, you know the way. Thomas said to Him, Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way? Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you had known Me, had learned to recognize Me, you would also have known My Father. From now on, you know Him and have seen Him.” John 14:1-7

The consequence of lies is far bigger, far dangerous, and far destructive than people will ever be able to imagine. Many people are seriously suffering today as a result of the lies they gave themselves to speak in the past and the ones they continue today. Scriptural evidence has it on record that it was lies from Satan who appeared as a serpent to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden that destroyed them, destroyed their world, open their world to the evils of the devil and subsequently drove them out of the place that God made specifically for them and also placed them. That same lies and deceptions from the devil if allowed to continue in our lives will destroy us, will destroy any man, and will destroy the world, our home, families, marriages, families, and our professions. Lies destroy godly intents irrespective of its color and magnitude, irrespective of your location and the situation in question; lies are setbacks to you on any of your aspirations, your dreams, and on every goodwill, you expect from heaven.

Men may try to resist the truth and cover the truth, but at the end, the truth will defend itself and will not be destroyed; men may argue about the truth of your words and that of your stories, but the truth will stand strong in all situations; men may frustrate you, reject you, mistreat you, deny you, and even refuse you because of the truth you tell, but God will always accept you, relieve you, defend you, support you, and subsequently bless you because you are standing firm on the truth. There is power in the truth to change every situation, while lies keeps you back and refuse to grant you the changes you desire. There is power in the truth to set you free from all forms of fear and worries, while lies keep you back in its captivities indefinitely. God is looking for man and women all over the world today who will stand on the gospel truth, who will believe His truth, and who will declare His truth for the world to see, hear, and decide what to do.

The world is turning towards upholding and believing lies, and the people are driven by the power of this world is also turning with it fast; they are depending on the changing situations to tell lies; they are trying all they could to fit into world of lies without looking at their conscience and their activities and their future in such activities. True Christians and active followers of our Lord Jesus Christ is not driven by the powers of the world, they are driven by the power in the words of the Lord God they know, believe, trust and depend on daily; they are driven by the words that are never turning and never changing in form, and in effect; they are following the truth that turns and changes everyone who follows and depends on it for the very best. Stand on the truth even when it hurts; that same truth will later bless you, defend you, promote you and subsequently establish you. For prayers, Click here.