Post date: Jun 8, 2012 7:06:33 AM

God is not preparing you or anyone else for today. He is not preparing you to overcome your yesterday, but He is preparing you to embrace your tomorrow with faith, courage and success. Your tomorrow can only be fruitful as expected with what you allow into yourself today not yesterday. This preparation for tomorrow is always intense, and will surely make its mark in your ability to accept, believe and follow God’s words whether it is painful, convenient, in line with your dreams, visions, and thought or not. The desires of the devil is to continuously keep you in the power of your yesterday’s regret, mistakes, pains, sins, misfortune, and anger throughout your life. God does not want you to remain in them. Did you know that there are some people who have been in their yesterday’s misfortune for years? To such people, I say, the veil of your tomorrow will be open for you to see and desire in Jesus name. Christ Jesus said to the invalid man at the pool, you have been here long enough, “take up your bed and walk.   

While God is preparing you for tomorrow, your duty is to overcome your yesterday through the transformation of your mind and true repentance from any known and lingering sin. In the sight of God, yesterday is gone and today is here for good. God is concerned with what you do today that will enable you to embrace your tomorrow joyfully and peacefully, while the devil is concerned with what you do today to retain the pains and regrets of yesterday. The power of yesterday is more forceful than the power of tomorrow, but the attractions and beauty of tomorrow are more glorious than yesterdays’ and is worth going for and investing all you have today for it. Because of the forces of yesterday, bad habits linger long and are not easily dropped, past sin partners are still attractive, though not desired, but longed for. It is left for you, to faithfully fight back through the grace in Christ Jesus any and every distraction on your tomorrow by the powers of yesterday’s misfortunes, mistakes and habits. 

Whatever you are going through today because of your faith in Christ Jesus will surely turn out good for you tomorrow if you remain steadfast. Today is here, and its troubles are surmountable through Christ Jesus, it is your tomorrow that is at stake, your joy, you peace, your blessing, your health, and your eternal life. Know that whatever you do with, in, and to your body today, has its reward waiting in your tomorrow. Choose right and go for it.  

The devil punishes people because of the actions (yours, family or your ancestor) of yesterday, and hinders their tomorrow by clouding their minds and visions with the adverse effect of the pains and afflictions of yesterday. Do not allow the devil to deceive you that you are suffering for your tomorrow. You will never know the fullness of God’s strength in you until you allow Him to take you through today’s difficulties and reveal your rewards of obedience tomorrow. Wait for Him. Be prepared for your tomorrow now. Don’t let bitterness hinder you, it is a reminder of the past and a tool in the hands of the devil to keep you back and out.

This is the promise for you “This is what the Lord Almighty says, in a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord Almighty. The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the Lord Almighty. The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house, says the Lord Almighty. And in this place I will grant peace, declare the Lord Almighty”. Haggai 2:6-9(NIV) “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you? 1 Corinthian 3:16

Did you know that you are the house and temple of the most High God with all divine potentials? Did you know that God wants your peace, victory and success? Tomorrow will surely come.