Post date: Jun 6, 2014 4:32:37 AM

There are no pits under the heavens that are too dangerous and too deep that the Lord God Almighty cannot successfully reach out and safely deliver you from it and preserve you from its effect and the wicked thoughts of men irrespective of their powers, positions and relationship to you. Remember, Joseph was placed in a pit to die because he had a dream, because his father loved him and he was hated by his brothers, but God remembered him and brought him out to fulfill the dreams He gave him and His purpose for his life. That is the God who is greater than man, greater than all your afflictions now and that which will come, and greater all forms of thoughts, imaginations and manipulations. The pits of afflictions will not consume you and the intents for placing you there shall not be fulfilled in Jesus name.

There are no fires on earth too hot, fierce and very dangerous that God had no control over and cannot reach out and deliver you from it and prevent you from suffering its adverse effects in this life. Remember Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who through anger and wickedness of men were thrown into Nebuchadnezzar’s burning fiery furnace, the heat was raised sevenfold above normal with the intent that they will never survive, but even inside the fire, God was not absent with them, though He did not prevent or stop Nebuchadnezzar and his team from putting up the furnace and raising the temperature of the furnace to their desired temperature, He was there to prevent the fire and the heat and the smoke from having effect on the skin and dresses of these three great faithful servant.

May be where men had placed you right now is too hot for your comfort, too hot for your heart to think right and meditate on the promises of God, too hot for you to concentrate your thoughts on how to get out, even in that situation, the hope of your deliverance is not lost. Remember that unlike that of Joseph, God did not put off the fire or take them out; God actually went inside the fire to meet them and to comfort them there. As God entered the fire to keep them from burning and preserve everything they entered the fire with, so will keep you safe and comforted until the day you will be set free. Despite the fire, despite the fears, the abuses and the humiliation, when you are in Christ, He will be in you and hope deliverance is never lost.  

This was the confident reply of these three faithful servants of the Almighty God when the asked to compromise their faith for their safety: “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, your majesty that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.” Daniel 3: 16-18

Daniel and other Hebrew Children were forcefully captured and were taken as prisoners for life, but while in the prison and through a divine intervention God brought them out safely and placed them important positions in the country that took them captive. The prison of affliction and devilish manipulations will not

Out of jealousy, people conspire to harm Daniel by tempting him against his God; he was again lowered into the den of lions. Contrary to their thoughts, plans and best imaginations, God did not forget His servant, He prevented the lions from feasting on him and brought him out unhurt and was promoted thereafter. These were his words: “My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.” Daniel 6: 22

There are no places in this life that the devil will be able to hide you indefinitely from the eyes and hands of the Almighty God. As He delivered others, He will also deliver, promote and bless you. Today’s Prayer: Dear Lord, please change my situation. For more prayers, Click here