Post date: Oct 25, 2015 1:01:32 PM

The very best of our imaginations, thoughts, reasons, knowledge and wisdom irrespective of the level of our education are too compared to the word of God for us and any of His promises to us in this life. Let us limit our God because he is never limited by anything physical or spiritual. Even in our generation now and that to come, God is still doing wonders and will continue to do wonders; He is still restoring souls and will continue to do so; He is still saving souls, and will never stop doing that; He is still performing signs and wonders and will definitely continue doing that. He is still calling out His own, sending them to mission fields and He is still restoring men and women around the world in ways we will never be able to imagine. All we have to do is trust that our time will definitely come; our moment will definitely be real and sweet and this very life will again wear the joyful glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Jacob had no premonition he will ever go into Egypt to seek refuge against hunger, but God had predestined that by sending Joseph ahead of him so that it will not be very hash for him when he finally arrive there. But the day and month that hunger drove Jacob and his children to become slaves in Egypt, God did not stand by to watch them perish and be treated without respect and favor and He did not fold His hands and watch them languish there indefinitely; He stepped in to help them and finally took them out and restored them in the place He promised their forefathers. Oh Lord, do not stand by a watch these people languish in shame and hunger Jesus name.

When barrenness drove Hannah to the church for a tearful prayers after years of mockery and unending laughter by those in the family, though Eli called her a drunkard, though she was very troubled by her condition, God did not allow her to go empty handed that very day; He stepped in and gave her a promise and immediately restored her womb to be able to conceive not one, but seven to her everlasting joy and the same to those who mocked and ridicule and trouble her soul. Oh Father in heaven, do not allow this women to go childless; do not allow this family to remain without children, and do not allow this mockery to continue in Jesus name.

Situations can turn a peaceful person into an angry and disloyal person like it did to Job against his friends, but when Job adhere to God’s instructions and forgave his three friends and prayed for them thereafter, God also stepped in to stop his continuous suffering; He completely healed him and did allow him to go begging thereafter. He stepped in and restored him through the same friends he truly forgave and prayed for from his heart. Though the devil cause Job troubles, but God used Job’s willingness and actions in forgiving his three friends to begin the process of his sevenfold restoration and blessings which exceeded by far what he ever had and was before. Oh God, please heal the bitterness in the hearts of your people against those that mistreat and speak evil against them. Help them to forgive and restore them as you restored Job.

When Peter went back to the same river that had insulted his integrity as a man who wanted and was willing with joy to provide for his family through his business as a fisherman, God open the door for him to instantly become an employer of labor. That act was in obedience and acceptance of Peter to the sincere command of Jesus Christ after a night of embarrassment and frustration and shame. As we act in obedience to the words and commands of God, despite our previous disappointments, failures and shame, there is every assurance that God will restore us and will even bless us more than our expectations as He did with Peter. Oh Father, please give these one the heart to obey by doing what Your commands again and again without looking back. When the tax collectors embarrassed Jesus Christ with a demand for tax, He told the same Peter to take his hook to the river that he will find the exact amount in the mouth of the first fish he caught. Oh Lord as You did for and with Peter, do also with Your people now, take their embarrassment in finances away and restore their true source of income in Jesus name. For prayers, Click here