Post date: Sep 26, 2013 3:43:32 AM

There are many things that cause confusion in the life of believers, some are real and true, while some are completely false and imaginary, but despite what they may be, confusion is a hindrance to your physical and spiritual progress. It causes limitation in everything you do now and later. Allowing confusion to rule your life is unscriptural, and dwelling in it makes you vulnerable to evil and opens the door for the devil to speak to you, makes you highly suspicious in everything to everyone without reasons, it destroys your life and chances of being happy within yourself and with others around you, and unfortunately many are facing the challenges of confusion today.

Many people have ruined themselves, destroyed their chances and their future in living this way continually. Greatness does not come cheap, success does not come easy, and happiness does not come from the air, you have to create the atmosphere to make them available to you. Adam and Eve were confused after eating what they were told not to eat by God. Abraham and Sarah were confused on what to do when they were childless despite receiving the greatness promise from God. Noah was confused after overcoming the flood and becoming drunk on what to do next. Hannah was confused after spending years trusting God for a child and being mocked by her rival and children at home. Jabez was confused after seeing his suffering despite being quite different from others around him. Elijah was confused after Jezebel went for his life despite his faithfulness to God. The apostles of Jesus Christ were confused when they had nothing to eat and do after the death of Christ Jesus. John 21:3. But despite their confusion, they all overcame through faith and believe to become great and established in the things God had destined for them to be and to do in life. You will not end at your point of confusion in Jesus name.     

These are some of the things that are making a lot of believers to be so confused today in their thoughts and in their physical lives; they consistently see and experience things that are contrary to their dreams, visions, desires and expectations from God. Many are saying, after many years of believing God and being saved; after many years of believing God for a child; after many years of waiting for miracle in marriage, in job, housing, breakthrough in my finances, for a good health and other expectations; after many years of faithfulness and consistency; after many years of walking right and thinking right; after many years of showing mercy and love, and after many years of following His words, what have I to show for it and what have I benefited  Though you may not have seen them, you have benefited much and no amount of confusion, imaginary or real, will be able to take them away from you in Jesus name.

Confusion is not uncommon among believers of all ages, in all locations, in all professions and in all denominations. It did not begin with you and will not end with you. As others overcame theirs in their time, you will also overcome yours not many days from today. One of the greatest ways of overcoming confusion is trusting God beyond fear and doubt in everything you do and for everything He had said, that you have heard and read about His loving kindness, about all His goodness and mercies. It is this trust that will compel you to submit yourself to God in prayer. If you cannot trust anyone else, never fail to trust God, to trust in His infallible word, to trust in His unending and impartial love, to trust in His absolute ability despite your weakness and disability, and to trust in His everlasting faithfulness. The trust you have in God will open the door for you to grow in faith and obtain the miracle you need. By trust, Hannah prayed and God answered, by trust Jabez prayed, and God granted his request. 1 Chronicle 4:10. God will answer you, He will grant your prayer as you pray now in Jesus name. (We are extending our prayer month through October ending.) Send your prayer request Click here