Post date: Nov 8, 2018 4:45:44 AM

It may be or seem or had been impossible as it has always been in the past despite your efforts and that of others to help you out, but it is definitely not beyond what our God can and will do in your life; it is not outside the effective realm of the power of His anointing, and it will not defeat you continually. The battle may be tough on you and the result so far is disappointing and below your expectations, but the anointing is designed to announce the presence of your victory, to set you free from every curse by breaking every associated yoke contributing to your failure and hardship and the anointing will not fail. It will teach you new things and lead you in ways that only God will be exalted and glorified at the end; it will sustain you until you see the expected victory and enjoy the subsequent freedom; it will separate you from your past and the struggling past of your immediate family and ancestors; it open a new door and a new way for you; it will establish you on a new foundation with a strong conviction and testimony, and it will through you point others to Christ Jesus and convinced them His saving grace and ability.

Has God saved you? He will put a new a song on your lips because of the anointing; those sweet songs in your heart will one day be heard in the open through the working power of the anointing from heaven. Through the anointing, God will enable you to stand up from every place you have fallen, from every pit of shame and disgrace you have suffered, and from every grave of silent to speak of the goodness of the Lord in your life and on all of His children on the earth. Through the manifestation of the effects of His anointing, you will confidently proclaim the good news of His salvation instead of hiding because of the sufferings despite being a Christian. Through the anointing, you will declare His glory in your life to many nations, to those who doubt the news of His saving grace and deliverance power and also encourage others to continue trusting and believing and expecting His goodness. Through His anointing, you will be able to do marvelous works among all peoples and especially those of the household of faith. Through anointing, you will tell people of the greatness of the Lord and will be joined by many to greatly praise Him. I want to tell you that your confidence in Christ Jesus and in His words will have no bounds when the results of the anointing in your life is so evident, when your now is far better than your then, and when the future destiny you have been expecting is within your reach now and is not so far off as before in every area of your life.

When the evidence of the anointing is clearly seen in your life, you will fear no other God than the Almighty God above all other gods. You will be bold to stand and say there is no other God than as good and able and loving and true as the Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ our only Lord and Savior. You will put Him first in all things and will have no place in your life for any other god. You will have the joy of remaining in His presence indefinitely knowing that there is no place is as good and as better than in His presence. You will be strongly convinced and truly believed that every other god that people worship are lifeless idols established through the human imaginations of selfishness, and you will conclude that there is no other God besides the Lord God who made the heavens and the earth and put all under the absolute control of Jesus Christ. You will enjoy the splendor and majesty of His presence when you pray and praise Him and you will continually find strength and joy in His sanctuary and never be bored or weak. “Jesus came up and said to them, all authority, all power of absolute rule in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, remaining with you perpetually regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20. For prayers Click here