Post date: Jun 22, 2016 5:43:09 AM

Esther saw the true picture of God for her life and her destiny through the eyes of Mordecai her uncles and through the situation that the wicked Haman created in the land. God may decide to use people around you to open your eyes to the destiny He had designed for you; He may decide also to use good or bad situations and circumstances to bring you to that destiny as He did with Job, Esther, Moses, David, Saul and many others. But unfortunately many of us are just so proud of what we are now than what we will be in few days, few months and even a few years from now, but what we will be many days, months and years from now which will definitely be far greater, far better and more glorious whether Christ Jesus our Lord tarries or not should make us happy despite what the devil is doing right now in our lives.

Every achievement by every one of us should be celebrated by all but when the said achievement blinds our eyes from seeing the big things that God has for us tomorrow; blocks our senses from reasoning towards the fullness of God for us or stops us from seeking Him in a more deeper way about the further blessings of God for our lives then we will miss the destiny that God wants to unveil on us by the reason of the achievements. There are many people living in the world today that the pride of their past or present achievements in life had closed the doors for further divine openings and blessings; their achievements had turned them from godly people to worldly men and women; it had turn them from being spiritual individuals to societal individuals and had turn them from following God to following wealth and self. Pride of our present achievements might close our eyes and rob us of the bigger and better things and plans that God wants us to see, to know and to pursue and may result in our decline in life instead of our intended elevation by God. Whatever kind of achievement you have ever made in life is never enough until you see and manifest and also arrived at the destiny that God had designed and assigned to you in this very life.

God’s plans are better: God’s ways are higher: God’s thoughts are superior and all His goodness towards all of humanity and mostly all of His children will never end. As the Almighty God and everlasting was true to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses so will He be true to us now and will forever remain the only true God with all powers showing amazing love, mercies every day, everywhere and every time. What is the pride of being what others had been or what others will be in a more productive and better way soon? Being whatever you are today is never enough until the day, the month, and the year you begin fulfilling the destiny that the Almighty God had designed and assigned to you in life. Being just the queen was never enough for Esther until she realized through the counsel of Mordecai what her destiny in life was after being the queen.

Being the cup bearer to the king was never enough for Nehemiah until the year he succeeded to restore the fear of God and godliness In the Jerusalem. Being the wisest man was not enough for Daniel until he was able to use his position to warn Nebuchadnezzar of the impending judgment of God if he does not stop his pride and trust his God. Being the wealthiest king was not enough for Solomon until he was able to abide by the words of God and follow His instructions which he failed. Being the king was not enough for Saul until the day he learned that obedience is always better than sacrifice. Being a pastor, an engineer, a professor, an astronaut, educationist, attorney, a governor, pilot, legislator etc. is never enough until the destiny God had designed and assigned to you are fulfilled. “Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish since you did not help when you had the chance. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this and for this very purpose?” Esther 4:13-14. That was clear ‘being a queen is never enough until God’s will is fulfilled. Click here for prayer