Post date: Jul 7, 2015 3:44:27 AM

Life is all about having hope and living joyfully and meaningfully is all about holding on very strongly on the hope in the effective working power of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ to manifest Himself and His goodwill in our lives and in our ways as we push on in the present day troubles and times of severe adversities against righteousness and holiness. Hope in Christ Jesus will definitely distinguish us in days, times, periods and places of adversity and in every form of human wickedness against us. Hope increases our determination to persevere and keeps us courageous now and in the future; hope opens the door for God to work us through the difficulties of everyday living; while faith in His power helps us reap the benefits of all our fellowship with Him, decision to walk with Him and desire to follow Jesus Christ to the end.  

Did you ever think all of your life dreams, visions, desires and hard work will end in the hopeless situation of today? Sorrow may have accompanied your disappointments but it will not last or take away your joy permanently. Though you may have cried several times over certain stubborn issues that had failed to respond to your physical and spiritual efforts; had failed to respond to all of your prayers and fasting; had failed to respond positively to the prophesies you have heard; had failed to respond to the words of God you had believed and upheld, those disappointments and cries had nothing to do with what God is planning for your life and what He is about to do next for you; they will not define God’s next steps and actions concerning His good plans for you in this very life. You may have suffered several things and pains, you may have been over cheated, used, dumped and mistreated; you may have been rejected, hated and totally force to leave behind your dream projects and what you have started with your own ideas and resources, but despite all that, through hope in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ you will be reinstated and completely remembered and rewarded. You may have been lonely for quite a long time now due to the lack of trust or disappointment in trust and you may have been hopeless concerning your future, but your hope in Christ Jesus is enough to turn things around for you and also turn your situations around for good.

Your hope may have been delayed for too long, but never allow it to dies as a result of the delay; you may have been called stupid or foolish for still hoping in the miraculous, but never allow the words of men to change the words of God you strongly believed and trusted on all these years; you may have been frustrated as a result of endless hope on a particular issue, but at the fullness of time, your hope will wipe away your tears, will comfort you, will make you proud and will give you a testimony. A strong hope will give you health, will give you peace, will take your shame away, will guarantee your future, will bring you a lasting companion, will separate you from those foolish mistakes and will give you a secured future. Hopelessness may persist but it will not end your dreams and the plans of God for your life, hopelessness may make you feel sad and discouraged, but that will not stop God from performing His goodwill in your life.

“My child, if your heart is wise, my own heart will rejoice. Everything in me will celebrate when you speak what is right. Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the Lord. You will be rewarded for this; your hope will not be disappointed. My child, listen and be wise: Keep your heart on the right course. Do not carouse with drunkards or feast with gluttons, for they are on their way to poverty, and too much sleep clothes them in rags. Listen to your father, who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother when she is old. Get the truth and never sell it; also get wisdom, discipline, and good judgment.” Proverbs 23:15-23. 

There are strong rewards in hope even in times of hopelessness and I pray you will not miss the reward in the name of Jesus Christ. For prayers, Click here For 3 hours of Praise and worship songs Click Here