Post date: Mar 25, 2019 3:47:34 AM

I know you know that through the grace of God, through His love for all His children, and by the working power of His might to exelently do all things, execute His plans and purpose and even to make the impossible to become possible, change the hearts of men, change situations, bring down one and elevate the other, grant favor with open arms to those who deserve favor and open the doors of freedom, bless His own and lead the way, the children of Israel did not just end their captivity by leaving Egypt, they left with joy in their heart and on their lips, they left with favor from God in heaven, the favor they could never have imagined; the left with a testimony that the Egyptians were unable to counter; they left with pride, not with shame; they left in full view of their oppressors and slave master not hiddenly; they left with all their children and with all their properties; they left with gift they never thought will be possible and above all, they left with the Almighty God leading the way. Psalm 126:1-6, “When the Lord brought us back to Jerusalem, it was like a dream. How we laughed, how we sang for joy, then the other nations said about us, the Lors did great things for them. Indeed He did great things for us; how happy we were. Lord make us prosperous again, just as the rain brings water back to dry riverbeds. Let those who wept as they planted their crops, gather the harvest with joy. Those who wept as they went out carrying the seed will come back singing for joy, as they bring in the harvest.

Your day of departure from the powers causing depression, anger, mistakes, shame, loneliness, lack of love and disappointment, lack of growth and direction, miscarriages and lack of a willing and able and ready suitors will be like that of the children of Israel leaving Egypt in Jesus Name. The children of Israel spent four hundred and thirty years in captivity; they spent enough time in sorrows to make them forget about freedom, forget about a destiny, forget about their future and also forget about their God; they got used to the daily torture and humiliations; they got used to just living and obeying their captives orders; they lived and forgot their thoughts and their dreams in life, but when their troubles increased, they remembered their God and had hope in Him and they cried to Him with all their hearts with absolute sincerity. But despite at the things that they forgot about themselves, about their joy, and about having better brighter future, the Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, the God of Jacob and the God who made all things that exist on earth and heaven and beneath the earth and in the space above did not forget them, and that is the same God we serve today irrespective of our locations as Christians.

These people spent four hundred and thirty of their years in separation from the covenant that God gave to them through Abraham, but the covenant was unchanged because God did not back out and will never back-out from His words and His promises. These people spent four hundred and thirty of their years thinking when will their redemption come and how will it happen, and yet they did not know that God’s plans for them were still intact. They spent four hundred and thirty of their years in uncomfortable labor, unending dreaming, and unforgettable desires to be what they want; they had unfulfilled plans and unending thoughts, yet God’s plans and His love for them were unshattered by their thoughts and the wickedness of their captors. They spent four hundred and thirty of their years and witness children born, withness elders die, witness their lives change and generations pass by, yet the plans of God for never arrived and it was never changed. Afflictions will not change God’s plans for you and the passing of days and years will not destroy God’s plans, God’s future, and God’s destiny for your life. “For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below, there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39. Prayer Request Click here