Post date: Sep 11, 2017 10:52:17 PM

Sometimes we have wrong ideas and many times we take wrong steps thinking we are right while we are absolutely wrong; King Jehoshaphat did not want to generate a wrong idea or take a wrong step; he did not want to engage in war and did not want to jeopardize the lives of any of the children of Israel, so he went to God with a confession immediately standing before all the people telling God he does not know what to do. What would you think or say of him if he was your leader today? At that moment, he needed to stand up to the challenge, tell the people of his well-thought plans, tell them of a declaration of an action strategy, mobilize the army, recruit more or seek volunteer fighters, something had to be done immediately; instead, he stood before his people as their president and leader and poured out his sincere heart to God in confession, “O our God, won’t you stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.” 2 Chronicles 20:12. He was confused and truly lacked idea on how to approach the enemies; he could not formulate an idea that will work, could not have a plan to tell, could not put up a program to follow, unable to raise a committee, could not fly a banner to raise support, could not roll out the war machineries under his command, could not encourage the brilliant commanders and officers in his army to come up a war plan, and all he could do was a confession of his inability. When you have no idea on what to do, do exactly what Jehoshaphat did, humble yourself before God and confess your inability to come up with workable genuine ideas, confess your weakness in not having a plan, and put your eyes and hope and trust in Him thereafter. Jehoshaphat had a good response and you will also.

It will interest you to know that people are waiting to see things happen; they are waiting to see you in a new way; they are waiting to hear your testimony of God’s goodness; they are waiting to hear what God is doing and will do in your situation; they are waiting to either celebrate with you or laugh at you; some are waiting to praise God on your behalf and others are waiting to blame God for your situation and prove Him and His words wrong. But despite all odds, God will never be wrong and He will never fail. When Jehoshaphat declared his eyes are on God for the best idea to confront the situation before him, they people with him decided to stand still and to admit their confusion also. They would not move anywhere else, do anything else but closer to the Lord their God and look no other place for help but to Him alone. Does that sound ridiculous to you? The armed enemy surrounding them; people waiting for the battle to begin but his armed men and others were just standing together and praising God, looking unto Him, fixing their eyes on God in heaven, their heart settled and waiting for His idea and His command, for deliverance and for help. I am glad that they were not disappointed and you will not be disappointed also.

When we get into trouble, when you get into situations and when the situations refuse to go anyway, believe that your lack of ideas is never the end of you, the God who is above and dwells in you will still lead you. He may not give you any idea but He will not fail to lead you; He will help you because your eyes and your heart are on Him; He will deliver you because you depend on Him, and He will give you victory because His weapons, His ideas and His words never fail. You may be in such situation now and be saying like Jehoshaphat, Lord, I love you, I call on you always and in every situation, I have fasted and done all I could do; I already know what I am going to do, I do not have the courage or conviction to start. When the enemy comes against us like a flood, we are filled with fear and begin to panic, we feel we must do something quick; we want to see something happen or we feel guilty if we are not constantly; we feel we have let our God down, but God is still willing to do something even without giving us ideas. God said He will raise up a standard for you; put your eyes on Him “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19. For Prayers, Click here