Post date: Apr 17, 2015 3:53:44 AM

Though we are still in the world, though wickedness and ungodliness is on the increase, though men are turning their back on God because of their desires and their situations, yet we know the God we serve, we know that God loves all humanity, we know His ability to do all things, we know His willingness to defend, to deliver and to set free, and we know that this God will not in any way and for any reason leave those who will continue in His ways, those who will abide by His words, those who trust in His unfailing love, and those who have decided to obey Him to the very end even in times of afflictions. We are definitely serving the Lord God who cares for us far beyond the very best of our imaginations. You may be lacking in food supply, lacking decent clothes, adequate education, a comfortable home, a satisfying job, enough money to meet needs, and many other necessities of living well as you would have wanted right now, yet in all those lacks and insufficiency, the Almighty God is still with you for good; He will see you through those difficulties caused by those lacks; He had promised and had shed the blood of Jesus on your behave and He will ensure that the blood of Jesus Christ works wonders in your life and in your situation. One thing with our God is that He has clear evidences in His words to prove His ability; He has clear testimonies in the lives of people to prove His love and His unfailing care.

When Noah decided to follow the ways of God, He never knew God had also decided to guide him; he never knew that God will do something great to show his love for his life and the lives of all his family members and their welfare. When Noah experienced the flood, God showed up in a mighty way to save him from destruction, to deliver him from its effects, and to give him a testimony to tell the rest of us today. The God who kept Noah through the flood will keep you save in your current situation; the God who delivered Noah will also deliver you, provide for you and take you to a safe landing place as He did with Noah. Noah has his testimony and you will have yours.

Daniel began claiming his divine identity when he was in prison; he refused eating food from idol sacrifice and decided to fast for knowledge and revelation. The result of his decision enabled him to stand before Nebuchadnezzar and five other kings; he became a trusted adviser to the kings and was recognized and rewarded. But through the wickedness of men, he was thrown into the lion’s den to be killed, but God in His love and mercy prevented the lions from touching him and he was brought out alive to testify of the goodness and ability of his God. That was Daniels testimony and as you proclaim your identity in Christ and follow its precepts, God will give your own testimony for the world to hear because He will also deliver you from your lion’s den.   

Out of no fault in his use of words, no bad business deal, no concealed sin in all his relationship with God and with any man in his time, Job suffered the very worse anyone could suffer in just one day; a destruction of his business, of his family and all his wealth; yet in those pains God in His love, in His mercy, and in His power showed up to preserve Him, delivered him, healed him, kept him through, blessed him, and finally restored all that he had lost seven times over. That is the same God you are serving today and your testimony will be heard.   

Moses, because his parents were slaves in Egypt had to suffer abandonment due to an evil decree issued by Pharaoh, but despite the power of the king, the urgency and severity of the evil decree, God was there to take care of him in every step, in every situation and in every location until he was established according to the words and plans of God for his life. Did you think yours will be different? I doubt. God is taking care of you, God will preserve you, God will defend you, He will deliver you, God will lead you, and God will establish you according to all of His words concerning your life. “Casting the whole of your care, anxieties, worries, concerns, on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” 1 Peter 5:7 prayers, Click here