Post date: Feb 3, 2016 1:12:11 AM

“But as surely as God is faithful and means what He says, our message to you is not Yes and No at the same time. For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us, by me, Silvanus, and Timothy, was not Yes and No, but has proved to be Yes in Him, true and faithful, the divine Yes affirming God’s promises. For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are all answered Yes. So through Him we say our Amen to the glory of God. Now it is God who establishes and confirms us in joint fellowship with you in Christ, and who has anointed us, empowering us with the gifts of the Spirit; it is He who has also put His seal on us that is, He has appropriated us and certified us as His and has given us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as a pledge like a security deposit to guarantee the fulfillment of His promise of eternal life.” 2 Corinthians 1:18-22. Irrespective of it names, God is redeeming you from the effects of all your past.

There is something more in salvation than just feeling good and becoming a Christian; it is being called and recognized as a child of the true and living God and truly living as one in a better way with things to show for it. One of the greatest benefits of salvation is the redemption that follows immediately thereafter; salvation involves the full redemption of your soul, of your flesh, of your health, of your spirit, of your thoughts, of your mind, of your future, of all the promises of God for you, of children, of your profession and of what you are divinely qualified for in the life that you have been given right now by the Lord who gave you the salvation. God will not save you and still allow you to remain or continue or follow those things that He had taken away in your life; things that makes you unaccomplished and always shameless and backward in the things that matters in your life and in your profession. Redemption takes away your state of despair, the pains of the many bad situations that had cursed you to remain angry with yourself and with the rest of the world; it takes away the effects of previous disappointments and frustrations, giving you the boldness and the assurance that God is still with you and that there is better days ahead for you: redemption gives you the hope that defeats all previous fears and resentments that had been you usual companion before; it opens the only divine door that enables you to have a new, purposeful, victorious, and hopeful life. Redemption makes salvation and Christianity sweet and more meaningful and most assuring.

When you are saved through grace in the name of Jesus Christ and His blood, you have the true hope of eternal life with Him in heaven and when you are physically redeemed from all evils and works of condemnation, God enables you to walk past your past weaknesses and hindrances in life into what He had prepared for you on earth joyfully aiming for the very best and better future for your life in whatever you will ever do thereafter. After salvation, God is ready, willing and going to redeem you from all forms of darkness, all forms of curses, all forms of evil competition and spells from the power of darkness; opening doors that had been closed against all these years and giving you the renewed strength to accomplish the dreams and visions He had given you. There is no darkness under the earth that your God cannot bring light; there is no place on earth that God cannot reach, redeem and preserve you. Even in the den of lions, God was there to ensure Daniel was not hurt and was finally rescued; even in the midst of fiery burning furnace, He was there to ensure the three Hebrew brothers were not consumed, even when forgotten in the forest, He was there to ensure that David was preserved for the future He had scheduled for him in life. Even in barrenness, God was there to redeem Sarah, Hanna, Elizabeth and He will do the same also for you. Many are held down and back by their past, God is taking that past away from you; many had been prevented from seeing the glorious future God had schedule for them, but that prevention is being taken away now. God is giving redemption in every area so that you will able to achieve all His schedule for you this year. Click here for prayer.