Post date: Jan 24, 2019 4:47:16 AM

The third thing God wants us to know is the way to Him, the way to heaven, how to be on that way, and how to remain on that way faithfully till the end because many who are on that way are falling away easily and quickly due to deception, temptation, disappointments, discouragements, delays, and personal feelings. It is God’s ultimate desire that we know Him, that we know His preferred way, follows it, and remain faithful and obedience therein. That ultimate desire coupled with immense love for His image and likeness compelled Him to send Jesus Christ to the world for the purpose of showing humanity the way to Himself, the way to heaven, how to get on that way, and how to remain faithful and obedient on that way. John declared God’s ultimate desire in John 3:16-18: “For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world, that He even gave His One and only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him as Savior shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.Whoever believes and has decided to trust in Him as personal Savior and Lord is not judged for this one, there is no judgment, no rejection, no condemnation; but the one who does not believe and has decided to reject Him as personal Savior and Lord is judged already because he has not believed and trusted in the name of the One and only begotten Son of God.” God did that purposely to correct human errors and assumptions of their wild imaginations and to guide humanity on their most precious desire.

Did you know that every religious organization irrespective of their name and location and their philosophy are seeking a way to God and a way to heaven? That is where all humanity had gone astray while looking for the way to God and the ways to heaven, and Jesus Christ gave us the answer and said even to His disciples and to all of us today; “Do not let your heart be troubled afraid, cowardly. Believe confidently in God and trust in Him, have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places. If it were not so, I would have told you, because I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and I will take you to Myself so that where I am you may be also. And to the place where I am going, you know the way. Thomas said to Him, Lord we do not know where You are going; so how can we know the way? Jesus said to him, I am the only Way to God and the real Truth and the real Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. If you had really known Me, you would also have known My Father. From now on you know Him and have seen Him. Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father and then we will be satisfied.” John 14:1-8. Christ Jesus spoke out their imaginations with the answer that He is the only way to God the Father. No other god or person had ever said that and God confirming said: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17.

God was pleased with Jesus Christ in the beginning and pleased with Him at the end. Christ Jesus declared “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but to do the will of Him who sent Me. For this is My Father’s will and purpose, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him as Savior will have eternal life.” John 6:38-40. As God was satisfied with and in Jesus Christ, so is He satisfied with everyone who knows, believes, accepts, follows, and trust Christ Jesus as their Lord and only Savior. That is what salvation is all about and the blessings in knowing Jesus means. The only way to God, the only way to heaven, the only way to follow the way, the only way to remain faithful and obedient on that way is only through and by Jesus Christ. Every other way is false and are of human imaginations and not acceptable by God. Without Christ Jesus, there will never be forgiveness, reconciliation, and reunion with God. Jesus said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will.” Hebrews 10:9 and He did it well to the acceptance and admiration of our Father in heaven. Prayer Request Click here