Post date: Apr 22, 2019 3:38:42 AM

To Christ Jesus, the Cross and whatever happened to Him there and before were as planned by the Almighty Father and for His glory, for His purpose and for His praise and ultimate honor. To Christ Jesus, the Cross was not a place of shame though Satan wanted it to be so, thought it is, and will be so and made the people watching His crucifixion believe it is a place of shame for Christ and all His believers and followers. The Cross was not and is not a place of humiliation or shame but the place where the final payment for all of our sins past, present and future was paid, collected and settled; it was the place for our final release from the penalties we should have paid and suffered for our evil deeds; it was the place through which Christ had a physical presence and access to the grave and the dark world of evil and wickedness where all the captives of faith and godliness were kept and punished and humiliated. It was a place where an agreement was reached and sealed and will never be reversed regarding all those who will faithfully believe, trust, rely on, and follow Jesus Christ as their only Lord and Savior.

Christ was crucified on the cross to make a way for you and me, to give us total access to and through the way He had made, to ensure we are safe on that way and to ensure all who believed in Him reach the promised place. On the Cross, He made a way for our recovery and restoration, for our health and welfare, for our peace and victory, and to show us the perfect way of doing and having and securing it. He told His disciple then and you and me now, “Don’t worry or surrender to your fear. For you’ve believed in God, now trust and believe in me also. My Father’s house has many dwelling places. If it were otherwise, I would tell you plainly, because I go to prepare a place for you to rest. And when everything is ready, I will come back and take you to myself so that you will be where I am. And you already know the way to the place where I’m going. Thomas said to him Master, we don’t know where you’re going, so how could we know the way there? Jesus explained I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes next to the Father except through union with me. To know me is to know my Father too. And from now on you will realize that you have seen him and experienced him.” John 14:1-7

To make that way perfect and true and real, it involved His open sufferings, the carrying of His own Cross, the insults by guards and leaders, the public show by the armies and the people, the entering into Jerusalem contrary to the expectations of the religious and government leaders, the open confrontations, questioning, judgment, and subsequent condemnation; the stripping of His clothes exposing His body; the wiping of His flesh, the crown of thorns of His head, the nails on His hands and feet, the spear on His side and the drinking of vinegar in place of water. He did all to show we who believe and follow Him will have a way to follow, to live and to do things; He did these to perfect the plans of God for us and not for Himself, He did this so that our sufferings and sorrows will have an end, and He did this so that we can have the Spirit of God dwell and lead us permanently.

What a joy to know that the way out of all our mystery had been made; what a joy to know that the way to our ultimate freedom from sin, weakness, pains, isolations, loneliness, humiliation and shame had been made. The Cross of Christ was not in vain and your cross will also not be in vain, it will not end in your shame and you will not miss the plans of God for your life. “To preach the message of the cross seems like sheer nonsense to those who are on their way to destruction, but to us who are on our way to salvation, it is the mighty power of God released within us. For it is written, I will dismantle the wisdom of the wise and I will invalidate the intelligence of the scholars. So where is the wise philosopher who understands? Where is the expert scholar who comprehends? And where is the skilled debater of our time who could win a debate with God? Hasn’t God demonstrated that the wisdom of this world system is utter foolishness?” 1 Corinthians 1:18-20. Prayer Request Click here