Post date: Mar 29, 2017 12:13:51 AM

There is nothing on earth, in your life, in your family, in your marriage, in your business, in your profession, in your nation, and in your neighborhood that our Father in heaven is not interested in; none is without significance, none is without purpose, and none is without His knowledge. In all things that had happened or will ever happen, He is the first to know and to see, and when He approves any, it is with a purpose that He knows will bring glory to Him, to His plans, and to His children thereafter. Though you may feel, see and know some of the things happening, though you may not know the purpose of such things, you may not have any understanding, and you may be wondering and searching to know, but even when you are unable to know them, there is a purpose why God allowed it; you know He never makes a mistake or is He moved by impulse as men often do, whatever He does are excellent and true.

The things happening now or of recent or in the future are not as ordinary as we may be made to think, understand and accept, they are all with a purpose that we may not understand but our God has a perfect understanding and had permitted them for a purpose; refuse to see them as ordinary; refuse to treat them as ordinary; refuse to pass them as ordinary and refuse to understand them as ordinary. When Pharaoh have ordered to increase the task, suffering, pains of the children of Israel and when he asked that all male children of the Israelite descent be killed, it may have been thought as ordinary but it was not ordinary; when Adam and Eve eat the fruit they were asked not to eat, it was not ordinary; when Noah was told there will be rain and he should build an ark for himself, others thought it was ordinary but it was not. When Abraham started obeying God, his family and others thought it was a joke but it was not; when Christ Jesus was crucified on the cross, it was to be ordinary and Satan though he had the victory, but it was not ordinary and Satan did not have the victory. Refuse to react to things as ordinary. Through Salvation, you have become one with God and you have His Holy Spirit to guide and direct you through all issues. Almost all the things happening are not ordinary as we may assume; it is time to turn over to the Lord our God and refused to treat them so, they all have a purpose.

There is a purpose to everything that is affecting you right now; there is a purpose for what you are currently experiencing; there is a purpose for the delays, the disappointments, the frustrations and the discouragement. There is a purpose for the shame and the humiliation; there is a purpose for the promotion; there is a purpose for the increase; there is a purpose for the loneliness, fear and the barrenness; there is a purpose for that behavior, that desire, that dream, and that vision; there is a purpose for that action or inaction, there is a purpose for the voices you are hearing and there is a reason for the hardness of heart at any time or softness of the heart. While we may not know the whole purpose for all these things, we should be very careful that we do not fall and do not become victims and be trapped the rest of our lives. God has no desire to put us to shame but the shameful things we are going through has a purpose; God has no desire to make us cry and sorrowful, but the sorrows we are experiencing has a purpose; God has no plan to abandon us but the feelings that we are being abandoned by God, family, and friends has a purpose. God did not abandon Israel while they were in Egypt and will not abandon us also.

The desires of the devil is to pull us down, make us fail and destroy us, but God’s desire is to lift us up, make us stand and establish us; Satan’s desire is to stop us on the track God had desired and destined for us, but God will not allow him; all of Satan’s works and plans are against us will fail because we will not go back the way he wants and will keep following and depending on His grace by faith. Remember; “To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1. You will not follow that cycle indefinitely, God will not allow you to fail and He will not allow you to be defeated. You are for a purpose. For Prayers Click here Watch this New Video Click Here