Post date: May 25, 2016 6:39:13 AM

Your day of thanksgiving it inevitable; the God who gave you the mouth you have will give you something that you will use that same He gave you to praise Him. It is may be tough and very rough for you in life but your mouth will praise the living God for what He had done and what He will definitely do in your life and in the things you have been waiting on Him for all these years. His deeds are always excellent and true, perfect and amazing to the eyes of men; His deeds are never hidden from the eyes of men or in darkness somewhere; they are always made manifest in the open for all men to see and to praise His name. You may have been going through times and unpleasant seasons of pains and discouragement; fears and torment; frustrations and failures; lacks and uncertainty of what will be tomorrow; loneliness and joblessness; but in all those things, you will use your mouth in praising the Almighty God; in all those things, you will be victorious and restored; in all those things, you see peace and have peace; in all those things, you will enjoy the unending mercies and the unfailing love of God’ in all those things God will make you a conqueror for His glory. You have been identified as a candidate for miracle and God will make it happen soon.

When God save Noah, it was not hidden; when Sarah conceived according to the word of God, it was not hidden; when God called and blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob it was not hidden. When God called Moses and took Israel through the wilderness, divide the red sea, drawn the arms of Egypt and the captains of pharaoh it was not hidden; when God turned the captivity of Jabez, it was not hidden; when river Jordan was divided for Israel to pass through it was not hidden; when the wall of Jericho fell down for Israel to possess the land, it was not hidden; when Mary was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit of God, it was not hidden. When Rehab protected the spies from Israel, it was not hidden; when the small boy offered His meal to Jesus Christ in a crusade, it was not hidden; when God multiplied the children of Israel, it was not hidden; the day they started marching out of Egypt towards their freedom, it was not hidden; when God poured out His Holy Spirit upon the apostles, it was not hidden; when Christ Jesus and Peter walk on top of water, it was not hidden; when Christ cast out demons and heal the sick, they were not hidden; the day Jesus Christ fed the five thousand and the seven thousand men in an open crusade, it was not hidden; the day Christ Jesus was arrested, the time He was tortured, stripped naked, crucified and given vinegar to drink on the cross, it was not hidden; the day Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead was not hidden. God will turn our captivities and we will definitely praise beyond what we have ever done because it will open, marvelous, and sweet to see and experience.

“When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion we were like those who dream, it seemed so unreal. Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting; then they said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. Restore our captivity, O Lord, as the stream-beds in the South are restored by torrents of rain. They who sow in tears shall reap with joyful singing, he who goes back and forth weeping, carrying his bag of seed for planting, will indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” Psalm 126:1-6

God did not give you salvation in secrecy; He did not call you out of sin in secrecy; He did not secretly forgive your sins; and He did not secretly give you His Holy Spirit. You do not belong to the things done in secret; you do not belong to the things conceived in the secret, and you will not participate in the evil things carried out in secret. God will lead you openly for the world to see; He will bless your life openly for you to see; He will give you victory openly to enjoy; He will deliver you openly from failure; He will defend you openly from destructions and in His love, He will preserve you openly for His glory. Click here for prayer