Post date: Nov 11, 2014 4:59:28 AM

“So Boaz took Ruth into his home, and she became his wife. When he slept with her, the Lord enabled her to become pregnant, and she gave birth to a son. Then the women of the town said to Naomi, Praise the Lord, who has now provided a redeemer for your family. May this child be famous in Israel. May he restore your youth and care for you in your old age. For he is the son of your daughter-in-law who loves you and has been better to you than seven sons. Naomi took the baby and cuddled him to her breast. And she cared for him as if he were her own. The neighbor women said, now at last Naomi has a son again. And they named him Obed. He became the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David.” Ruth 4:13-17

Just like every one of us, Ruth started her life with a great hope, with a great dream and with a vision for the very best of her entire life; she must have prayed and trusted God to lead her in life, and she actually saw the result of a faithful prayer and her reliance on God to bless her. Naomi must have taught her the acts of her God and must have been very happy that her son married a lady who was humble and willing to follow her God and was obedient to her instructions. Naomi must have been happy and hopeful of seeing her grandchildren soon, but she suddenly found her joy turning to anger and her best dreams crumbling fast.

I pray that whatever is turning your best dreams and your best desires away from you will not succeed in turning you away from following Jesus Christ; will not turn you away from the very best that God had destined for you in this very life which are bigger than your dreams, visions and desires: I ask God to help you from now on, to bless and to use you even in your present location and profession; I pray that whatever is turning your best efforts and best expectations from you will never be able to keep you back from fulfilling God’s best plans for your life. Ruth and Naomi ended well despite all that they went through together   

Following her dreams, desires and prayer expectations, Ruth soon found a spouse of her choice and got married joyful increasing her expectations of being and remaining a joyful wife the rest of her life; her expectation of being a happy mother with many children, and living the rest of her life satisfactorily with her new family and enjoying her mother-in-law. But despite the best of her dreams and all the well-articulated plans for her life and her new found family, things started going contrary, leaving her worse off despite her good plans, excellent dreams and desires.

Like Naomi and Ruth, you may have one day suddenly discovered yourself on the other side of the life you never expected, you never prayed for and you never dream of; you suddenly realized your dreams, your visions and your desires are not coming through despite the enormous time you have spent in prayers, in waiting on the Lord, in telling people your vision and trying to make things work out right for you. You may have suddenly see things that started well turning around, marriage that started well turning around; business that started well turning around, children that started well turning around, and studies that started well turning around; but despite what you have seen, what you have heard and what you have experienced, God is still there to enable you end well and better. 

Contrary to expectation, Naomi became a widow with no one to support her and to provide her needs; to make things worse; she lost her two sons, leaving behind their wives as widows to accompany her. Ruth also became a widow at a very young age and without hope and without a better vision than to follow the vision of Naomi despite her many impossibilities. When all this was happening, though they felt bad, disappointed and ashamed, God was busy ordering their steps, opening doors for them and taking them to the place He had destined to bless them beyond their sorrows. God is doing the same for you. For prayers, Click here